a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Paul Wagner
- "Gas-to-liquid phase transitions. Some highlights from 25 years of joint research"
60th Anniversary of Academician Markku Kulmala,
Cultural Center Sofia,
Helsinki, Finnland,
30.10.2018 - "Vapour nucleation on nanoparticles. Influence of contact angle and line tension"
Advances in aerosol science,
Budapest, Ungarn,
27.9.2018 - "Heterogeneous Nucleation on Nanoparticles and Microscopic Contact Angle",
Warsaw University of Technology,
Warschau, Polen,
20.6.2017 - "Glaube und Naturwissenschaft - Widerspruch oder Dialog", Eingeladener Vortrag, Vortragsreihe Horizonte,
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Karlsbad,
Karlsbad, Deutschland,
- "Nucleation Experiments and the Kelvin Relation",
Feierliches Festkolloquium zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Strey,
Universität zu Köln, Köln, Deutschland,
- "Die Relativitätstheorie - Revolution unseres Weltbildes",
Festvortrag bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung "150 Jahre Schottenbastei",
Lise-Meitner-Realgymnasium, Bundesrealgymnasium Wien I,
- "Light Scattering Technique for Studies of the Formation of Molecular Clusters and Nanoparticles"
Invited Lecture
International Conference on Optical Particle Characterization 2014
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Tokyo, Japan
- "Recent Advances on Particle Formation and Growth Processes in the Atmosphere"
Invited Keynote Lecture
International Conference of Particlulate Matter and Energy Security 2014
Doshisha University
Kyoto, Japan
- "Nucleation of Vapours - Molecular Content of Critical Clusters and Activation of Nanoparticles"
Invited Plenary Lecture
European Aerosol Conference 2013
Prag, Tschechische Republik
- "Nukleation von Clustern - Überbrückung des Bereiches von Molekülen zu Nanopartikeln"
Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft, Wien
- "Nucleation of clusters bridging the scale from molecules to nanoparticles"
(Invited Plenary Lecture)
31st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Aerosol Research
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
- "Nucleation - from Molecular Clusters to Nanoparticles"
VERA-Seminar, Universität Wien
- "Formation of Molecular Clusters and Aerosol Particles"
Keynote Lecture
8th Liquid Matter Conference
Wien, Österreich
- "Heterogeneous nucleation on single ion molecules. Recent Experiments and their interpretation"
Workshop on Atmospheric Nucleation
Hyytiälä, Finnland
- "Nucleation experiments bridging the range from molecules to nanoparticles"
Hiroshima University
Hiroshima, Japan
- "Possible Influence of Cosmic Rays on Global Climate"
The CLOUD Project at CERN
University of Kanazawa, Kanazawa
- Vorträge als Visiting Fellow
"Nucleation and condensation in vapours'"
"Particle formation in multicomponent systems"
"Nucleation experiments bridging the range from molecules to nanoparticles"
"Possible influence of cosmic rays on global climate - ion induced nucleation"
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
- "Symposium zu Ehren von Reinhard Streys 60. Geburtstag"
"Aktivierung von Nanopartikeln und Einfluss elektrischer Ladung"
Universität zu Köln, Deutschland
- Anniversary Seminar
"Cluster-Formation in heterogeneous and homogeneous Nucleation"
Universität Helsinki, Helsinki, Finnland
- "Nukleation an Nanopartikeln und homogene Nukleation"
Universität Köln, Köln, Deutschland
- Nucleation - Challenges and Importance, Opening Address,
17th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,
Galway, Ireland, 13.8.2007
- Condensation and Nucleation I, II,
Summer School: Basic Aerosol Science Applied to Atmospheric Aerosols,
University of Vienna, 17.7.2007
- Studies on Nucleation and Condensation in Vapours, 20 Years of Cooperation of the Universities of Helsinki and Vienna,
University of Helsinki, Finland, 23.5.2007
- "Binary Heterogeneous Nucleation of Organic Vapour Mixtures"
CLOUD Collaboration Meeting, CERN, Geneva, 16.11.2005
- "Heterogeneous Nucleation on Nanoparticles ? a Review of Recent Results"
Joint iLEAPS, IGAC, SOLAS and ACCENT Workshop 2005: Formation and Growth of Secondary Atmospheric Aerosols, Hyytiälä, Finland, 15.8.2005
- "Ten Years Aerosol Observations at Hyytiälä"
Hyytiälä, Finland, 11.8.2005
- "Nucleation in Multicomponent Systems II, Seminar: Aktuelle Probleme der Aerosoldynamik und Aerosoloptik"
Universität Wien, 13.4.2005
- Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Nucleation in Multicomponent Systems
European Aerosol Conference 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 9.9.2004
- Time-Resolved Observation of the Kinetics of Nucleation and Condensation of Water Vapour using Constant-Angle Mie Scattering (CAMS)
7th International Congress on Optical Particle Characterization,
Kyoto, Japan, 3.8.2004
- Nucleation and Optical Measurement
International Workshop on Optics, Nucleation and Nano-Technology (IWONN), Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, 30.7.2004
- Binary Heterogeneous Nucleation on Partially Soluble Nanoparticles,
16th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols Kyoto, Japan, 26.7.2004