ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Dr. h.c. Paul Wagner

ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Dr. h.c. Paul Wagner

Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Retired since 2012 
Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3117
1090 Wien
+43-1-4277-511 74

List of Publications

Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 95
Winkler P, Steiner G, Reischl G, Vrtala A, Wagner P, Kulmala M. Experimental observation of heterogeneous nucleation probabilities for ion-induced nucleation. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Heidelberg: Springer. 2007. p. 363-367 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_74

Vehkamäki H, Määttänen A, Lauri A, Kulmala M, Winkler P, Vrtala A et al. Heterogeneous multicomponent nucleation theorems for the analysis of nanoclusters. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2007;126(17):174707. doi: 10.1063/1.2723073

Winkler P, Wagner P, Vehkamäki H, Kulmala M, Määttänen A, Lauri A. Heterogeneous nucleation theorems for multicomponent systems. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Heidelberg: Springer. 2007

Wagner P, (ed.), O'Dowd C, (ed.). Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2007.

Noppel M, Mirme S, Hienola AI, Vehkamäki H, Kulmala M, Wagner P. Reversible work of the heterogeneous formation of an embryo of a new phase on a spherical charged conductor within a uniform multicomponent macroscopic mother phase. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Heidelberg: Springer. 2007. p. 327-331 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_67

Kulmala M, Mordas G, Petäjä T, Grönholm T, Aalto PP, Vehkamäki H et al. The condensation particle counter battery (CPCB): A new tool to investigate the activation properties of nanoparticles. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2007;38(3):289-304. doi: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2006.11.008

Winkler P, Steiner G, Reischl G, Vrtala A, Wagner P, Kulmala M. The effect of seed particle charge on heterogeneous nucleation. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Berlin: Springer. 2007. p. 358-362 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_73

Hienola AI, Vehkamäki H, Lauri A, Wagner P, Winkler P, Kulmala M. The first heterogeneous nucleation theorem including line tension: Analysis of experimental data. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. Berlin: Springer. 2007. p. 230-234 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_48

Winkler P, Vrtala A, Wagner P. The role of ions in condensation particle counting for particle diameters below 2nm. In O'Dowd C, Wagner P, editors, Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. 17th International Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2007. Berlin: Springer. 2007. p. 73-77 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_14

Winkler P, Wagner P, Vehkamäki H, Määttänen A, Lauri A, Kulmala M. A Kinetically Correct Model for Heterogeneous Nucleation. In Biswas P, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Aerosol Conference. Unknown publisher. 2006

Winkler P, Vrtala A, Rudolf R, Wagner P, Riipinen I, Vesala T et al. Condensation of Water Vapor: Experimental Determination of Mass and Thermal Accommodation Coefficients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2006;111(D19):19202. doi: 10.1029/2006JD007194

Wagner P, Herrmann E, Mordas G, Riipinen I, Kulmala M, Petäjä T et al. Estimation of Composition of Growing Aerosol Particles Using a Condensation Particle Counter Battery. In Biswas P, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Aerosol Conference. Unknown publisher. 2006

Winkler P, Wagner P, Kulmala M, Napari I, Vehkamäki H. Estimation of Line Tension and Microscopic Contact Angle from Heterogeneous Nucleation Experimental Data. In Biswas P, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Aerosol Conference. Unknown publisher. 2006

Wagner P, Winkler P, Reischl G, Steiner G, Vehkamäki H, Hienola J et al. Experimental Study of Heterogeneous Nucleation on Charged and Uncharged Nanoclusters. In Kulmala M, McMurry PH, editors, Abstracts of the Second International Workshop 2006: Formation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosols. Unknown publisher. 2006

Winkler P, Wagner P, Gaman AT, Vehkamäki H, Kulmala M, Mordas G et al. Formation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles. In Biswas P, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Aerosol Conference. Unknown publisher. 2006

Winkler P, Wagner P, Vehkamäki H, Kulmala M, Määttänen A, Lauri A. Heterogeneous Nucleation Theorems for Analysis of Nucleation Probability Data. In Abstracts of the Nucleation Symposium - 80th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. Unknown publisher. 2006

Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 95