Summer School "Basic Aerosol Science", July 10 to 16, 2017


19 participants from 9 different countries are currently taking part in the univie: summer school „Basic Aerosol Science“ organized by our group.

The summer school "Basic Aerosol Science" has been established in 2007 and offers a broad education in basic principles and techniques in the field of aerosol science needed to understand and critically review aerosol processes and their interaction with the environment. Besides lectures the participants have time for discussions, and will participate in a 1-day field experiment. The teachers of this summer school are leading European experts in the field of aerosol science. The summer school is supported by the University of Vienna and by the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung GAef.

Information/Program download:
Summer School "Basic Aerosol Science" 2017



For further information please contact:
Prof. Bernadett Weinzierl
Faculty of Physics – Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics,
University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Wien, Austria
Telephone: +43 1 4277 73412