News - Media


As of today, scientists from the Aerosol Group of the University of Vienna are in Houston (TX, USA) as part of the international team of the NASA/NOAA...


In June the Flight Meteorology Practicum of the University of Vienna took place for the 13th time at the airfield Lanzen-Turnau.


Maximilian Dollner defended his Dissertation titled “Assessment of the global distribution of coarse-mode aerosol and clouds with large-scale in situ...


The international team around the CERN CLOUD-Project (Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets) has found evidence that ammonia is boosting cloud formation.


Join us on Monday, 11th of July for a talk with Dr. phil. nat. Gerhard Scheuch in a Plenary Lecture and Get-together.


Auch nach den Lockerungen der CORONA-Maßnahmen bleibt ab dem 22. Juli 2021 in Wien die Maskenpflicht für den Handel vorerst in Kraft.